To find out more, or check availability of your due date, you can ring me on 01269 842248, or drop me a message below!
Please Note due to GMAIL additional security we are having difficulty getting emails through, so if you have an alternative email address other than gmail it would be better to use that one below.

Why spend your precious newborn time with me?

  • 100% Satisfied Customers
    Everyone loves what we do for them!
  • Risk Free –  Money Back Guarantee
    You’ll be delighted or we’ll refund the cost of your voucher.
  • Superb Imagery
    2016 Welsh Master Newborn Photographer of the Year, as awarded by the Master Photographers Association.
  • Personal Service
    Friendly & relaxed professional ‘stress free’ service, from a specialist Newborn Photographer.
  • Amazing Experience!
    Exclusive use of the studio, so no rushing; welcome goody hamper, great coffee and tea with unlimited chilled  soft drinks!
  • Baby Safety
    Over ten years experience, recommended by midwifes, your baby’s safety & comfort is of  paramount importance.


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